Saturday, January 28, 2017

Moses says Goodbye. Deuteronomy 34:1-11

   The Book of Deuteronomy is a sermonic review given by Moses just prior to his death. The name Deuteronomy comes from two Greek words which were used to form the Septuagint title; deuteros, meaning "second," and nomos, meaning "law." So, the word really means "second law. "  In effect, it was the second giving of the law.
   After the Israelite's arrived in the Trans-Jordan, in the year 1406 B.C. Moses recounted to the  new generation all the past events of the previous forty years. Max Lucado in his introduction to the Book of Genesis in his Inspirational Study Bible, tells this story: of why it's so important to know where you came from, to know where your're going. So there you are, a teenager at your grandparents house. You don't want to be there, but its one of those family things and so you're there.
 You sit politely  and act like you are listening to your folks and grandparents talk. Then your grandmother says something that catches your attention. She refers to your great-grandfather and the trip he made to America from the "old country." " What" you ask. Grandma smiles, knowing that at some point we all wonder about our origin and here we are as Christians wondering about yours.  She unravels a tale of your family escaping persecution and settling in eastern Virginia. Next she invites you to her room, where she opens a large chest that has sat at the foot of her bed for as long as you can remember. She opens the chest and a rush of cedar and mothballs fills the room.
 " Thought you might like to see this,"  she explains, handing you a black and white photos in a large walnut frame. " It's your great grand-pa." The only thing stiffer than his collar is his expression. " Here is his father, she hands you another photo, one of a cowboy wearing a wide-brimmed hat, riding a horse. Piece by piece, the chest tells its family tales. Soon you find yourself lost in a floor covered with old wedding gowns, photo albums, diplomas, and bronzed baby shoes. Before you leave, you find yourself- a heritage, a beginning. An origin. You know your part of a family tree. You leave a richer person. Knowing where you came from, saying as much about where we are going. For the Christian, the foundation of your faith, does not start with the Gospels, it starts with Jesus Bible, the O.T. and creation with Genesis the first book of the Bible, the creation of everything which is a book of beginnings. God wants us to know from where we came, Learning that will  teach us much about the place we are going.  "NOW": Back to Moses. In Deuteronomy 1:1 we read:  " These be the words which Moses spake unto all Israel on this side of the Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain over the Red Sea". Verse 5 gives  further clarification of the locale., " On this side of Jordan, in the land of Moab, began Moses to declare the law." This is the setting through out the book. Deuteronomy, 34:1 says, " Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo." In 34:5ff: "Moses... died there in the land of Moab to Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, which is across Jericho. Then the Lord said to him, " this is the land of which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying 'I will give it to your descendants.'  I have caused you to see it with your eyes, but you shall not cross over there."
 So Moses the servant of the Lord died there, in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. And He was buried in the valley of Moab, opposite Beth Peor; but no one knows where his grave is to this day. Moses was one hundred twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished. And the children of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab for thirty days. So the days of weeping and mourning for Moses ended.  But since then there has  not risen in Israel a prophet like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, in all the signs and wonders which the Lord sent him to do in the land of Egypt, before Pharaoh, before all his servants, and in all his land.
    One thing that seems to be rooted in our sinful nature is that the younger generation forgets or ignores what the previous generation learned. It was Adam's job to pass on the truth to his descendants, and he failed. It was Noah''s job to pass on the truth to his descendants, and he failed. It was the job of Abraham to pass on the knowledge of God to his descendants, and he failed. Moses was instructed very plainly to pass these truths on the sons and the sons' sons.and by this word- of- mouth method, the truth of God was to be transmitted from generation to generation (Deut. 6:7; 31:12-13).  But imagine if you will, what the response was to those individuals who were five and six generations removed from Adam. When Adam tried to explain to them that he had been created by God and walked in the cool of the day with God. I am sure that wicked generation laughed and thought he was insane. When Noah tried to explain to his descendants, several generations removed, that he had experienced the Flood; and when his sons- Shem, Ham, and Japheth- attempted to explain to  their grandchildren and great-grandchildren that at one time the entire earth had been covered by water and that they had lived  in the pre-flood era, I am sure they were also thought to be insane. We know how after several generations, the truth is attempted to be passed on is mocked and scoffed at and assumed to be worthless, mythical information.
 Because of this, the omniscient God told Moses that He knew what was going to happen. He described it in 31:16, that soon after they were settled in the land, they would play the harlot with strange gods " and will forsake me, and break my Covenant which I have made with them." In return (vs 17); "I will forsake them, and I will hide my face from them."
In an attempt to prevent this, He commanded Moses to compose a song so that generations and centuries later they would remember that they had been warned about their sinful behavior. Though many things might pass away, a song or an epic poem would be learned and passed on from one generation to another. It was designed to make them remember back to the time when God first gave it and its title could be " Against Forgetfulness." The purpose was to remind the people that God had anticipated their failure, and that their was still hope if they would repent. and turn back to him.
The Poem requires forty-three verses in Chapter 32. In this marvelous piece of poetry, God reminds them that he made them drink honey from the rock and oil from the flinty rock, but they decided to serve idols and other demons that claimed to be gods. God warned them in the Sinai Covenant, in Stipulations 3 and 6; Blessings and curses. He would heap mis-fortune upon them, and assured them in the end of his vengeance, and that blood would be avenged which had been shed by the enemies of His servants. Moses death in chapter 32, and in 33 where he blesses the children of Israel prior to his death. He lived to be 120 years old. After the death of Moses, their was the new
 generation of people on the east side of the Jordan and the leader they knew for many years was dead, and the baton was passed on to Joshua.  Their is so much to know of our Christian faith before Christ, and it is called foundation for our faith.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Conversion Of Paul. (Saul). Acts 9:1-6 [ 7-20].

Paul, the great missionary of the Gentiles was born in Tarsus, the ancient famous capital of Cilicia in Asia Minor, on the Cydnus river, twelve miles from the sea, in the midst of a productive plains, Acts 22, 3. The city was renown for its culture as well for its learning. One historian placing it above even Athens and Alexandria in this respect.  In this seat of Greek learning the boy himself the son of a Pharisee  and therefore a strict Jew, acquired a knowledge of the Greek language, and the manners and Greek custom,which stood him in good place in the after life.Incidentally it should be noted that the inhabitants of Tarsus , having showing themselves friendly to the Romans at the times of Julius Caesar, were given privileges of Roman citizens (or Paul's father may of obtained the right as a reward of merit, and it was on this account, Paul could claim the rights of  Roman citizens. Paul was of Pure Jewish descent. A Hebrew of the Hebrews of the tribe of Benjamin, descended from pious ancestors (Phil.3,4,5,; 2 Tim.1,3, The instruction in the home and local synagogue, Paul was forced to learn a trade, which was a great service in  the dark days and after years, Acts 18,3; 20,34; This was a necessary part of every boys education, and Saul ended up a tent-maker. The trade was a great. As soon as he was ready for high school, he was sent by his father to Jerusalem, and was brought of at the feet of Gamaliel, one of the most learned Doctors of the Jews (Acts 22,3 ). he lived a strict life as Pharisee. Acts 26,4, 5; Phil. 3,6). Paul very likely left Jerusalem before John the Baptist began his work, and was absent when Christ began His ministry. For their is no indication in Paul's writings of a personal knowledge of events in them life of Jesus. It seemed Paul returned to Jerusalem about the time that Stephen began his debates in the interest of  Christian religion. To read the rest of Paul's later life,  which is described in the Book of Acts and also in his epistles.
  Each of us has a story of meeting God's grace. Saul later called Paul was an ardent persecutor of all who followed the way of  Christ.  Today's text from the Book of Acts, (known as the story of the Church), recounts the story of the transformation, beginning with an encounter with Jesus Christ on the way to Damascus. Meanwhile Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord's disciples. He went to the High Priests and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus,so that if  he found any who belong to the way (Christ) whether men or women. He might take them prisoners to Jerusalem.   "The way" another designation for believers. It reminds us, that Jesus is the way to the Father. (John 14:6) and that the Christian life is a special way of life.
Saul was not satisfied to scatter the Jerusalem believers (8:3,4). He was determined to destroy the church everywhere. Damascus is about 150 miles northeast of Jerusalem.
 It had a large Jewish population and thus would have been a natural place for persecuted Jewish believers in Jesus to seek refuge. The fugitive believers had preached the word there as they did everywhere they went (8:4).
 The  Roman government allowed the Sanhedrin to excise jurisdiction over Jews living outside Palestine. Saul's intention was to bring those who belonged to the "way" to Jerusalem as captives, to be tried by the Sanhedrin, the religious authority of that day.
 For that purpose he asked for credentials (warrants) that would give him the authority to do so.
 He planned to go to synagogues because that was where Jewish followers of Jesus would be worshiping. They were Jews who believed that the Messiah had come. They would not stop worshiping with their  fellow Jews until it became clear that they(and Jesus name were no longer welcome there.
 As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him:" Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" " Who are you Lord? Saul asked. " I am Jesus whom you are persecuting, "he replied," now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.
 We learn from Acts 26:13, that it was about noon. As brilliant as the noonday sun was, an even  greater light flashed around Saul. The text tells us, Paul recounts his conversation, " At Midday, O King, I saw in the way a light from Heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them which journeyed with me". " From Heaven means more than " from the sky. " It means " from the dwelling place of God."  Saul was overwhelmed by it and fell to the ground.
 He learned that by persecuting those who belonged to the "way" he had been persecuting another.
The voice asked: " Why do you persecute me?" " Saul,Saul," like Martha, Martha, and Jerusalem, Jerusalem, was really an expression of loving concern on the Lord's part.
 The light of God's glory and the voice made Saul realize that he was in the presence of the Lord.
 From that moment on Saul was under orders of the Lord. The first order was to go into Damascus, and wait further instructions. Ever afterward Saul was a man who knew himself to be the chief of sinners and knew Jesus to be the Savior of sinners. More than a hundred times in his letters Paul the Apostle used the word grace. The word was so important in his vocabulary. The reason the word was so important in Paul's vocabulary was because of what the Lord did for him, when he was Saul the Pharisee. Paul was made blind in his encounter with our Lord, for a period of three days. When his eyes were open to the truth of Christ, he saw his great mistake in the past. That of not recognizing the work of God when it was taking place before his eyes. as a Christian, Paul could see that God's Messiah was Jesus, the very one who was accursed by the "Law," and God's Messianic people were the "Christians,"  the very ones who had seemed irreligious. The story of Paul's conversion is frequently read in the light of what Paul says in Romans : 7: 14,15. We know that the law is spiritual;
but I am carnal, sold under sin. I do not do  what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.
 From such statements it has been concluded by many that Paul as a Pharisee sense the frustration of accepting the law as divinely given, but being unable to abide by it.
It is ironic  that such a view should be substantiated by reference to Romans 7, since the ' Lutheran" interpretation of this chapter has been that it describes a feature of the Christian's life after his conversion, not the preconversion failure to keep the law. But, when Lutheran readers of the New Testament comes to the Damascus road experience ( and certainly others do the same) they read back into Paul's life the kind of religious life "transformation" which "Martin Luther" went through before he  discovered the full meaning of free grace of God in Jesus Christ. If their is any truth in this suggestion, it has to do with a subconscious process. Paul knowing that he a strict Pharisee before he became a Christian, knowing that the Pharisee were sticklers for on many fine points of the law.
Little by little the situation of Paul takes on more and more similarity to Luther's anguish efforts to do proper penance and perform sufficient good works.
 The result is that Paul becomes a first century Luther, Judaism becomes the first-century equivalent  of medieval Roman Catholicism, and Paul's conversion becomes virtually identical, psychologically, with Luther's discovery of the Gospel.
 Well, Ananias obediently carries out his orders. he lays his hands on Saul. Saul regains his sight and is filled with the Holy Spirit. Then he is baptized. Soon he is preaching to the Jews in Damascus, declaring, that Jesus is the "Son of God," and "Christ." Saul quickly learns how much he must suffer for Christ. The suffering includes the humiliation of having to escaped from Damascus by night, being let down over the wall in a basket (Acts 23-25).    

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Jesus first Miracle John 2: 1-11.

Third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee, Mary the mother of Jesus was there: and both Jesus and his disciples was invited. when they ran out (needed) of wine. His mother said to Jesus, they have no wine. Jesus said to her, " Women  what have I to do with thee?" Mine hour has not yet come. His Mother said to the servants, whatever He says to you, do it. And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. Jesus said unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them to the brim. And He said unto them, Draw out now, and bear out to the governor of the feast. and they bear it. When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made into wine. and knew not where it had come from, ( but the servants which drew the water knew); the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, and said unto him, Every man at the beginning sets forth good wine; and when men have drunk freely, that which is worse is served.  but you have kept the best wine until now. This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and by shining forth his glory, and his disciples believed on him. John (2:1-11).
  Weddings were more important part of Jewish culture.An entire village or town often participated in the festivities. Jesus performed his first miracle at this wedding at wedding at Cana, in Galilee.
As we opened our message on Jesus first miracle, we picture six men walking on a narrow road....
 The men's faces are eager, but worn and common. Their leader is confident, but unknown. They call him Rabbi.... Where are they going?.... " Why we go to a wedding?" They haven't been told before hand, they just started out on this journey, led by a leader called "Rabbi."  Why would they go to a wedding? The answer is found in the second verse of john 2. Because! "Jesus mother was there."
  Jesus and his followers were also invited to the wedding and kept travelling north and went into Galilee, and arrived at Cana in time to attend the wedding in Nathanael's home town. We don't know what Mary's connection with the wedding except that Jesus mother was close enough to the bride and groom to b e involved in the serving and to assume some authority over the servants. An unusual thing happened. The wine ran out during the celebration. Usually at a Jewish wedding the entertainment for a full week at the grooms home following a procession from the brides home to his, and since wine was a staple for meals, it would be a major embarrassment  to be without wine. some think because the wine ran out early, which may indicate that the couple was poor.
All that really matters, however, is that the stage was set for the first miracle of Jesus ministry. his mother came to him. " They have no more wine," she said"  she told Jesus of the shortage, fully expecting him to solve the problem.  But do what? We aren't told, so ant answer, involves guesswork.  we cannot rule out she hoped for a miracle. Remember, this was a virgin mother who had learned from an angel that she would bear a savior. This was Mary, who pondered in her heart the things about Jesus. she believed in him being the one sent from God.
 Jesus response indicates she wanted him to  work a miracle, if necessary. Otherwise He would have no reason putting her off as He did. " Dear women why involve me?" " Jesus replied, my hour has not yet come."
Jesus answer, " Literally meant something like more than it seems."  What have I to do with you, my time has not yet come. Mary wanted to fill a need to avoid  embarrassment, and she spoke as his mother.  Their purposes were essentially different, although He would satisfy hers.Jesus needed to reveal himself as the Messiah to strengthen the faith of His disciples.Their time tables differed too, by a little. Jesus was bound to act at the hour set by the Father in Heaven and in the Father's time Jesus would work a miracle. Also in the Father's time, three years later, Jesus would lay down his life for lost sinners.
 Mary believed and trusted Jesus. She ordered the servants, of the feast, do whatever He tells you. We pause at these words, thinking how important they are for everyone this day.  Mary's faith was well placed, and the scene was set.  Near-by stood six stone pots, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing. ST. Mark tell us, the Jews in the rites of purification washed their hands before eating and  after, also,  they washed all the utensils after dinner.
Now Jesus in His first Miracle, made about a 175 gallons of wine. That must have been a heck of a wedding.  Christians use of the story at Cana of Jesus first miracle occurs at a wedding and has been interpreted  as God's blessing of marriage as an example of the joy of those who live in Christ. Medieval celibate Christians welcomed any biblical passages t could serve the imagery of Christ marriage to the church. We are married to Christ:  We are chosen in Love and bonded until death in mutual service and joy. For Christians, human marriage becomes a metaphor for our relationship with God, and, conversely, the ideal picture of what God hopes our christian marriage to be. As Jesus gladdened the wedding guests at Cana we are touched in the same mysterious ways: through our faith; a daring faith which looks to Christ, which calls for a venture to a leap in the dark. According to Luther, only one thing sustains us in the leap from life's safe shore into the abyss: Over this abyss God has erected the sign of the. Even the cross is no proof that we shall spring into the arms of God. If one views the cross with eyes other than those of faith. Faith does not require information, knowledge, but free submission to God's goodness.  

Friday, January 20, 2017

Ecclesiastes: 2: 3-19. Vanity of Earthly pleasure and Luxury.

 Solomon said in his heart, in considering carefully the possibility of enjoyment. I will prove you with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure and behold, this is also vanity. I said of laughter, It is mad: and of mirth, Go to, now, I will prove thee with mirth, to find out whether he would feel happy and contented in enjoyment of the senses, I sought in my heart, to give myself to wine, yet acquainting my heart with wisdom, whether he would feel happy and contented of the senses; therefore enjoy sensual pleasure, of every kind; "and behold, this also is vanity."  it affords no new happiness.
 I said of laughter, of the joy and cheerfulness which he madly attempt to reach, It is mad,foolish, it affords no real satisfaction; What does it?  It accomplished nothing of value, it avails nothing in attainment of real lasting good. Again, I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine, to comfort myself by its use, yet acquainting myself with wisdom, that is, to keep wisdom and discretion as the guiding principles of his life; to lay hold on folly, to seize and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, to find out whether it would satisfy, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men., what course they had best pursue in going through life., which they should do under the Heaven all the days of their life. Solomon did what so many people have tried out since his time; instead of accepting the statements of Gods word concerning that which is good and beneficial to them, they determine to try out for themselves what is good and are obliged to learn through many bitter and painful experiences. Solomon having the means took the opportunity for his experiment . I made me great works, building magnificent  structures and piling up evidences of wealth on every hand;
 I built me houses, 1 Kings 7-10;  I planted me vineyards, Song of Sol.8,11; I made me gardens and orchards, pleasure- grounds near his various residences, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits, in rich variety , including many from foreign countries. I made me pools of water, artificial lakes for purposes of irrigation, to water the wood that brings forth trees. I got me servants and maidens, slaves of both sexes, and had servants born in my house, such slaves being distinguished for loyalty to their master;  also I had great possessions  of great and small cattle above all in Jerusalem. before me, as God had promised him,2 Chron,1,12;v.8 I gathered me silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces,1 Kings 9,28; 10,24-29; I got me men singers and women singers , such as was common at oriental courts for the entertainment of the court and of royal guests, and the delights of the sons of men in great abundance, as be fitted his station and wealth.  So I Was great, possessed of riches and power, and increased more than all that were before in Jerusalem, as the historical accounts will attest fully to. Soon 1 Kings 9,-11;  also my wisdom remained with me.
 And whatsoever my eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy,
 and this was my portion of all my labor,  and then I looked on all the labors of my hands had wrought; and behold, all was vanity and vexation of the spirit, there was no lasting satisfaction in the possession and enjoyment of all earthly goods and pleasures, and there was no profit under the sun. And I turned myself to behold wisdom, madness, and folly; for what can the man do that comes after the king? Solomon surely had the best chance to make his experiment in happiness, and if he had not succeeded, any one else would have still smaller chance of success. Even that which has already been done.  And how dies the wise man?  As the fool, for they both yield up the spirit.
in the same manner. Therefore I Hated life and was filled with weariness and loathing toward all  this life has to offer; because the work wrought under the sun grievous to me, for all is vanity and vexation of spirit. Who knows whether he shall be a wise man or a fool. Solomon speaks finally on the vanity of labor. Yet a man that has labored in wisdom and knowledge, will leave his possessions to whom one has not labored at all. This also I seen as from the hand of God. Christians may profit by the sad experiment which Solomon made without paying the high price for the wisdom he gained. For God gives to a man that is good in his sight, who lives in the fear of God, wisdom, and knowledge, and joy, as a reward dealt out by his mercy. 2 Chron. 12. This also is vanity and vexation of  spirit, but the lesson which it teaches should be heeded well by all believers.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


 The words of the preacher, in the sense of one who, from rich stock of his knowledge, gives wise and profitable, the reference being to Solomon. the son of David, king in Jerusalem, the capital of the entire kingdom of Israel and Judah at that time. The fact that Solomon does not mention his given name is easily accounted for by the fact that the entire book breathes the spirit of repentance, together with admonitions and warnings, such as are to be expected from an aged and experienced man rather than a king. Vanity of vanities, the most utter vanity, saith the preacher., thereby announcing the theme of the book,  vanity of vanities; all is vanity. that is all earthly nature and everything pertaining to temporal things has been perverted in consequence of sin, so that it no longer serves the original purpose of God., but the vain objects of sin.What profit, what lasting value, what enduring advantage, has a man of all his labor, the toil and exertion with which he fatigues himself, which he takes under the sun?  The author does not say that man's labor is useless, but that, in itself, it has no enduring, eternal value. While the sun runs his course with unfailing regularity, the doings of men seem altogether changeable and variable. The work of their hands is good, if done in the Lord's service, but the misery and hardships connected with it set the imprint of vanity upon their entire life. One generation passes away, sinking down into the dust of death, and another generation comes, replacing those who are laid in the grave; there is a  continual going and coming; but the earth abides forever., it stands the same, as long as the Lord so decrees.  In the midst of the turmoil of changing centuries, calmly remaining while generations come and Go.
 The sun also rises, and goes down steadily pursuing its course and hasten to his place where he arose, to come up again in the east, governing time as the Lord ordered, Gen. 1,16. The wind goes toward the south and turns about unto the north., following fixed laws of the universe; it whirls about continually, in an ever returning change and the wind returns again according to his circuits, in courses whose general regularity  has been learned even by human observers. All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea in not full, it does not overflow on account of immense  body of water which it constantly receives; unto the place from where the rivers come. where they return again, in a constant evaporation and condensation, the cycle of ocean, clouds and fog, rain and dew, springs creeks, and rivers continuing without intermission. all things are full of labor. full of trouble, full weariness, fatigue on account of the curse following sin., Gen.3 19; man cannot utter it, the endlessness and burden of human troubles cannot be told by human tongue, it is beyond man's ability to express it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing,nor the ear filled with hearing. the senses become wearied in trying to master the endless succession of impressions and phenomena 
 which press upon them from all sides in the course of this sinful existence. the thing that has been, that which has happened.  The misery and the toil of life, and human nature changed since the fall of man and the abuse of God's gift and the transgression and the dissatisfaction of man's heart are ever the same. Is there anything where of it may be said, see, this is new? Their is no remembrance of former things, men forget the lessons, when records are not kept of the past to teach them. Even the greatest cataclysms of the world have gone unheeded.
 I the Preacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem, over the entire nation, as Solomon states as he looks back over his long reign. And I gave my heart to seek and search out wisdom , applying the wisdom given him by the lord with all zeal, concerning all things that are done under heaven, the acts and lives of men everywhere; this sore travail,, namely, the zealous searching with steady
 endeavor to inquire into the works of men, has God given to the sons of men, to be done.
 Now Solomon states the results of his study; I have seen all the works that are done under the sun, in careful study and he concludes all is vanity and vexation of the spirits, which bring about no lasting good for the affliction of the mind with which men strive to go forward cannot bring them lasting good fortune and true happiness, and fall short of the mark. That which is crooked  cannot be made straight. human beings cannot alter what has been determined by God. Now king Solomon  communed with his own heart, in a careful contemplation or consideration of the difficulty presented, saying, lo, I am come to great estate, being possessed of incalculable wealth, and have gotten more wisdom than all they that have been before me in Jerusalem 2 Chron. 1, 12; Yes, my heart had great experience of wisdom and knowledge, andwas a vexation of the spirit and I gave my heart to know wisdom, on its positive side, and to know madness and folly, the error and foolishness of men. For in much wisdom is much grief. Lack of knowledge or deliberate ignorance is a way of saving a person from much sorrow, for  he that increases knowledge increases sorrow. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Luther writes in the exposition of this book: in (1377), " That this book is one of the most difficult books in Holy Scripture, but I personally think it is a breath of fresh air in the O.T.  into whose depths very few have gone to reveal its message to fully penetrate its message. Yes, rather through improper explanations of many it has been so corrupted that it is almost a greater task to cleanse and liberate our author from the dreams of those people, which have brought into the text, than to show the true meaning. There was a two-fold meaning why this book was unusually dark to others. One they did not see the purpose and the scope of the author.... The other reason is based upon their ignorance of the Hebrew language and upon the certain manner of expressing himself, which the author has, one which deviates from ordinary usage of language and differs widely from our own manner of speaking. The consequence has been that this book, which in many respects is worthy of being in the hands of all men daily, with which, moreover, the  leaders of the church community should be  particularly familiar,... This book has  been deprived of its name and dignity and been cast aside in miserable contempt, so that we today have neither the use nor the effect of it. What is the intent and what does it hope to accomplish and what is its object. Their are four discourses being clearly included: On the  vanity of human wisdom and earthly pleasures,chaps 1.2; on the proper use of earthly goods and pleasures, chaps. 3-5; on the vanity of riches and the achievement of true wisdom, chaps. 9-12. The author plainly teaches that a person  may well enjoy the earthly gifts of God, in proper piety, on the one hand, and in true charity, on the other, without clinging to the vain gifts of this world, but rather in true love to the Word of God and in constant remembrance of the judgment that is coming.
 The title of the book is Ecclesiastes, a word derived from the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the meaning of the word being " Preacher," as the author plainly calls himself.
 The description of the opening sentence, " The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem," will properly apply to no one but "Solomon," to whom the book as been ascribed from the earliest times. All the arguments of higher critics have  not been able to shake the authenticity of the book. The only question, one which was considered by Luther also, is this,  whether Solomon personally wrote the words as contained in this book, or whether the discourse were penned by one of Solomon's scribes. They appear to have been spoken by Solomon in his old age, and that with the intention of repairing  as much as possible the damage he had done by his evil example.  (1 Kings 11,1-8), to warn others against those sins and follies which he had committed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Virgin birth.

 Jesus Christ, the son and legal heir of David, beyond whom his genealogy can be traced to Abraham, the Father of the faithful of all times, was conceived and born of Mary, the virgin mother, after Joseph, His foster Father, had been instructed through a wonderful angelic vision as to God's inter- position.
 For a bout eighteen centuries after ascension of Christ and the founding of the Christian Church the fact of the virgin birth was not called into question. and the comforting doctrines drawn there from were university accepted. Throughout the Christian Church the words  of the Apostle Creed: " who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, " was confessed and believed. But the era of rationalism, of believing only what reason admitted to be true, ushered in a new conception of
Bible criticism and this played havoc with our doctrine. One critic attacked the idea of a supernatural origin of Jesus and tried to find a natural explanation of the event. Another declared that Joseph was the father of Jesus. A third calmly treated the stories of Christs nativity as myths.In this manner, the  entire Bible account was soon discredited, both the fact of the virgin birth and the doctrine of the necessity of the sinless birth of the Savior being denied. It is stated that the modern world cannot believe in, and therefore has no place for miracles. Some have maintain that the virgin birth has no doctrinal significance anyway, not the physical basis of Christ's existence, but the moral and spiritual character of His personality being involved in redemption. But such statement reveal the fact that they are very well aware of the vital connection between doctrine of the virgin birth and faith in Christ divinity. A third class of critics favors  the mythological explanation, declaring that legends and myths have ever sprung up in connection with the development of all religions. A divine paternity by carnal intercourse being assumed in the majority of  cases  and while nothing can equal the simple, chaste, convincing language of the Bible narrative. The final argument of the critics that historical and textual criticism has proved consecutive editing of New Testament stories and the presence of material foreign to essential Gospel sources,  reveals the intention they are anxious to put into execution, namely to destroy the faith of Christians in truthfulness of the Bible story. Let us in  combating these attacks, rely upon the weapon which Christ Himself indicated to us namely:" it is written,"it is plainly written, Is. 7,14 that the Messiah should be born of a virgin, for the Hebrew word
 there used, both according to etymology and according to usage, designates not merely a " women of marriageable age.," but a virgin, a maiden that has not known a man. The virgin birth is most taught  in the passage, Matt. 1,20-25, as well Luke 1,34,35.  It agrees with the prophecy, Gen. 3, 15, where the seed of the women alone is named as the crusher of the serpents head. It finds its final conformation in the fact that St. Paul refers to it in the most self-evident way, When he speaks of the Son of God as having been made of a women, Gal.4,4.
 In the light of these plain passages we have every reason to say: therefore these learned men and critics are the falsifiers, visionaries, and writers of legends, not the apostles, and evangelists. Their historico- critical  research is plain fraud. From the view point of their unbelief , indeed, they can not do otherwise.  Theirs is the experience of the Jews, with seeing eyes they see nothing, and with hearing ears they hear nothing, and they have their reward, and the Devil thanks them!
  As Lutherans- Missouri synod, we shall retain the doctrine of the Virgin birth as a necessary part of our faith. We believe that it is essential for a full appreciation of the super natural, the divine character of the Savior. " in order to constitute  a divine-human personality, the divine being had to enter into the procreative depths of humanity and select and  assume a human nature of his formation and purifying, and unite himself personally with it.  It must be bone of our bone, flesh of our flesh, soul of our soul, in order to be organically connected to the human race; but it must be our nature lifted out of itself, separated, purified, transmuted- a human nature, that could be 'tempted' in all points like we are, yet  without sin. Christ  indeed became a real true man, but not conceived and born in sin, as other children of Adam.For that reason His mother had to  be a virgin whom no man touched, in order that He might not  be born under the curse, without sin and the devil would have no right or power over him. We celebrate such mercy to-day in order to thank God, that he purified our unholy conception and birth and took the curse from us, and brought he blessing upon us. The fact the sinless humanity of Christ,guaranteed to us by the virgin birth, made His being placed under the law, His perfect fulfillment of the law, and thus His entire work of redemption possible.


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Final warnings: Luke 17:31-37

 In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away;  and he that is in the field, let him like wise not return back. Remember lot's wife. Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it;  and whosoever shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, the other left. And they  answered and said unto him, where Lord? And He said unto them, wheresoever the body is, thither will eagles be gathered. the thought which stands out from the Lords warning is this, that it will be to late to prepare for the Lord's coming when His hour has come., when the judgment bursts upon the world. The suddenness of the breaking of judgment day will take every person where he just happen to be at that time. A man may be up on the roof of his house. He will neither have, nor should he attempt to take time to go down and get any possessions. A man will be out in the field,  "modern day" ( community), he should not turn back behind him to get anything of this worlds goods. We must not turn back for money, clothes or other goods lost. So the person whose mind is on the goods of this world on the last day is lost, so the person whose mind is still attached to the things of this world on the last day is beyond salvation. The example of Lot's wife should be before the minds of the believers at all times. Had she not turn behind her to satisfy her curiosity, she might have saved her soul with the rest. Her hesitation proved her destruction. (Matt.16:25; Mark 8,35; Luke 9,24.). He that in the last emergency will have nothing in mind but the saving of this earthly life and the goods that are  necessary for its preservation, will lose forever the true life in and with God;  But he whose desires are free from all love for this world and what it has to offer, that has denied himself and all that this life might give him, he will save his life, the life in God, his "soul" and its eternal salvation.
  Christ repeats this warning once more, with great emphasis. In that same night two men occupying  the same bed, of whom one will be accepted  and the other rejected. Two women will be grinding  flour at the same mill; one will be accepted and the other rejected.  Two men will be in the field; the one will be accepted and the other rejected. And the emphasis of the Lord was not without effect on the disciples. In awe and fear, they barely breathe the question: Where Lord?  Where will all this happen? And he told them: where the dead body is, there will the eagles gather themselves together.
 The world especially in the last days, will be,  and today is,  like a decaying carcass, whose stench rises up into the heavens. And judgment and destruction will come upon the entire spiritually dead and normally rotten human race. It is a strong, but fitting figure, revealing the world as it is, in its true condition, without a redeeming feature to recommend it in the sight of God.      

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Kingdom of God and the coming of Christ. Luke 17, 20-37.

Text: V.20. And when Jesus was demanded of the Pharisees when the kingdom of God should come, He answered them and said, " the Kingdom of God comes not with observation."  neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo here ! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you. (Rom 14:17). And He said unto the disciples, the days will come when you shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and you shall not see it.  And they shall say to you, See here; or See there; go not after them,nor follow them. For as the lightening lights up the one part under heaven, and shines unto the other part under heaven, so shall also the Son of man be revealed in His day. (Matt. 24:27). but first He must  suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. The resentful, peevish attitude of the Pharisees came to the front with in creasing frequency. Here Jesus was approached by them with a question which was intended to ridicule him. His continual reference to the coming of the kingdom of God, and when it would come. The Pharisees wanted to know the exact time. They wanted visible evidence. For their idea of the kingdom of Christ or of the Messiah, was that of the modern day millennialists, of a visible kingdom. a physical entity, brought into being by a political or social revolution and upheaval
 But Jesus corrected their foolish ideas, telling them that the kingdom of God does not come with observation in a way everyone can see and measure it. It can not be observed by the eye. It is not a visible or physical body or realm. To attempt to fix its definite position, its limits, its boundaries in the world by the application of the senses, by sight is foolish. For the kingdom of God is within, the heart of the believers. He that accepts the mercy of the " King of grace." by faith only, which is in the heart and cannot be seen by human beings. Upon this spiritual invisible kingdom the thoughts and minds of believers should be set. Only they who are members of the "Kingdom of Grace" here will be up in the Kingdom of  heaven.
 The Disciples themselves were not at all clear in this matter, they were still battling with carnal ideas as to the kingdom of the Messiah, and therefore the Lord gives them a few signs of the deceiver methods. For it was the Lord's constant custom to support and comfort the minds of His disciples. He knew days would come when they would desire and wish for only one day of the revelation of the perfect glory of heaven, just when one day's experience of the bliss to be would give them new strength to bear the trials and persecutions of the world. But the final revelation will not come until the day fixed by the degree of God. Then their will be false prophets and false Christs who will point and say:Lo, here is Christ; Lo, there! (Matt 24,23). The believers must not permit themselves to  be deceived by such talk, for it will be a temptation, a delusion and a snare. As for Christ, his final advent will partake of the nature of the lightening. In one moment He will shine, with all the glory of His splendor, from this quarter under heaven unto that; He will be visible to all the people of the earth. But before this glorious  consummation, there will be a long time of waiting and watching for the believers, which will try their patience. First of all Jesus had to suffer in the great passion. to be rejected by this present generation. Christ had to bear His Cross first, and His Church, the members of his kingdom, will become partakers of this suffering, before the great day of glory dawns.
 As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought they sold, they planted, they builded, but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone. from heaven, and destroyed them all. So shall be when the "Son of Man," is revealed. This is called the suddenness of Christ's advent.  The days of Noah are an example.The warning had gone out through the mouth of this preacher of righteousness that the people should repent of their foolish ways. They gave so little heed to the warning that they continued in all manner of complete desires of the flesh up to the very hour of the cataclysm. they drank, they were married,
 men and women, the entire generation, past all hope of redemption. And sudden frightfulness that has characterized the judgments of God in similar situations, came the day Noah entered the ark. Then came the flood and destroyed them all. And the days of lot, an utter, blind heedlessness of the people
  In Sodom and Gomorrah inhabitants continued in the delights of the flesh as well as in all their lines of business, work, and endeavor; they ate, they drank, they bought , they sold, they planted, they build up to the very hour, of the catastrophe that overwhelmed the cities, when it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all. When the Son of Man will be revealed before their astonished, horrified eyes on that last day, he will find them unprepared for His coming, as deeply steeped in the foolishness of the Noachites and the Sodomites as any generation ever was.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

I have overcome the world. John 17

 These words were spoken by Jesus as he lifted His eyes toward heaven, and  said, Father the hour has come, glorify (honor) your son, that your son may honor you. As you have given him power over all flesh, that he should give to as many as thou has given him. and this is life eternal, that they may know you, the only true God. For I have given thee unto them, the words you have given me and they have received them, and have known surely that I came from you and they have believed that you did send me.
 I pray for them: I pray not for the world; but for those whom you have given me. For they are yours and all mine are yours and all yours are mine. And I am glorified in them. (honored).
 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to you, Holy Father.
  Keep through your name the ones you have given me, that they may be one as we are one. This prayer from John 17:9, is giving us an Idea of what Lord Jesus Christ is asking for now on our behalf. Oh, that it may come home. to us as a reality that our savior who lives forever prays for you and me, knowing us better than we know ourselves. and that such things as these, for which He prays for.  What a common mistake it is among us to think that the only object Jesus Christ has with reference to the human race is to gather a few of them out of this world's destruction and carry them to a better world. But, Jesus said: I pray that you should not take them out of the world, but to keep them from evil;  for Jesus heart longed after those who had been with him, for He was going out of the world.
   They wondered why they couldn't go with him, even though in self confident fervor one said, " I am ready to go with you to death."  Many good people think hard of themselves because they do not want to die. They say its against nature. It is impossible; it is wrong. The Lord Jesus Christ proposes not merely to rescue some souls from this world's ruin, but to rescue them now in this world and make them live in this world as they were meant to live, with the help of His grace.
 This world belongs to him, and what he proposes is to take all of them that will except his call to come to him- that are oppressed by sin, and to help them here to live a life such as they should live.
  The bible tells us the Elijah laid under a juniper tree in the desert and requested for himself that he might die;  yet really I suppose there had been no time for many years when he was not better fit to die than at that moment. In answer to his prayer, an angel came with food that he might eat and lie down and sleep again, and getting up might go to work in God's service. Jesus lives to intercede for you and me; He prays for us that we might be kept from evil, but also that we may be made Holy. Here is the common error among men about the service of Jesus Christ, that He proposes merely to show them the truth that makes them Holy, and avoid the evil of sin.
  Remember Pilate asked the question next morning: " What is truth?" and here was the answer the night before, " Thy word is truth." We know that word and we may use as the great means of becoming Holy. Regard the Bible as the great means of making you  better. I know there is many times you do not love to read your Bible, but would take up a newspaper looking for something else, when the Bible is lying neglected by your side. When you finally pick-up the bible, you feel its dull reading. So when you hear it read in Church or in private, regard it as the great means of making you better, strengthening you.
 Now for our text: Jesus final words to his disciples on the  night of his arrest, Jesus encourages obedience to his commandments and speaks of the Spirit who will be with them forever.  But He who rejects me and receives not my words, has one who judges him: the word I have spoken, the same shall judge him. I know that his commandment is life, to everlasting (eternal) whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak. The time has come for him to by life for mankind with His own death. (Jn. 1248-50).
 At the end of Jesus public ministry, and despite all His miracles the Jews remained unconvinced and many of those who did believe  were  afraid to say so openly. It matters how each of us reacts to Christ, because He comes on God's authority, it is all important.  The conversation continues as they make their way to Gethsemane.
 Jesus last words to his disciples as Jesus washes their feet, the occasion is the last supper, the disciples have been arguing all day who is the greatest (Luke.22:24). Judas made a deal with the priests to make a secret arrest, and now the moment has come. The rest of the disciples have no idea of what is to come. Jesus knows. It was night-quite literally. Light and darkness acquired a meaning that darkness of the moment could not overcome. His death means a return to the Father (12:28).
  John calls the Spirit of truth our Advocate. This image implies a trial and the probability of judgment. Standing before God ( We like Moses) need some one to speak on our behalf. The reading fro 1st Peter includes the image of a trial in which we must defend our stance. In John 14 we heard hoe Jesus use adoption  imagery for those who receive the spirit of truth, yet Paul's sermon at Aeropagus  calls all his pagan hearers  God's offspring.
 For centuries, Jewish and Christian theologians have discussed how humans are both like and unlike God, and how we enct our relationship to the Divine. A dominant teaching has been that, just as God cares for creation, so as God's offspring, we are dedicated to that care
 One early Christian Bishop directed his clergy to hold baptismal candidates down under the water three times until they rose up grasping for air. The water of baptism not only gently washes the infant; it also joins the candidate to the death and resurrection of Christ. Amen!

How will it end?

 For 19 years I've been sharing the Gospel texts describing the road map that Jesus laid out for us, to know and through what and whom we, are to follow on our spiritual journey and our place in it. Jesus knew for many generations, questions would be asked, doubt led by Satan to be a hindrance. Many questions would be asked, of how, why, when, that's why He left a road map, called the "Bible." to satisfy our doubts and to strengthen our faith until He comes.
  Well now he has come to tell us how it ends, and our end too. " In my Fathers house are many rooms,if it was not so, I would have told you, and I go to prepare one for you, and when you are ready, I will come and take you there. (Promise of John 14).
 Their is strong agreement, that God has acted in history in past events will  also to act in history to consummate  this age, and bring Christ's return.
  Every since the first days of the Christian Church,the faithful have been looking for the blessed hope, for the glorious appearing of our great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
 The faithful have disagreed as to its timing and to he events of the "eschatological calendar,"  (end times). However they have all agreed that the final solutions to the problems of this world can only be solved by the "King Of Kings",  who will make this world His own. So when we ask: "How will it end?" we do not pass out of the realm of history, we merely pass to that which has not yet occurred but which is never-the-less certain occurring for the simple reason that God is behind it and is himself the one who tells us it will.
 The return of Jesus Christ is mention in every one of the New testament books except Galatians ( which was written for a particular problem in view). And the very short books such as 2 and 3 John
and Philemon. Jesus spoke of a return quite often. Mark records him saying. Whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the "Son of Man" also be ashamed,
 when He comes in the glory with the heavenly angels (Mk 8:38). 'Then they will see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then He will send out His angels from the four winds, to gather His elect from the earth to the end of heaven (Mk. 13: 26-27). John tells us as we seen earlier, that Christ's last words to his disciples included a promise (Jn. 14:3).
 In the last chapter of John the author records a statement of Jesus to Peter in which a reference to His return is,nevertheless all the more impressive on that account. Jesus had been encouraging Peter to faithfulness in discipleship, but Peter with his impetuousness had turned and seen the beloved disciple. He asked," Lord what about this man?" (Jn. 21:21). Jesus replied, " If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me! v. 22). John pointed out that although many Christians of his day had interpreted this to mean that John will not die until Christ came back, that was not what Jesus had said, this should not affect Peter's call to faithful service. Peter called the return of Jesus Christ our "living hope.." (1 Peter 1:3). Paul called it Our Blessed Hope. (Tit.2:13).
 Behold He is coming in the clouds., and every eye will see him, everyone who pierced. He ended the revelation with, he who testifies to these things says: " Surely I am coming soon, Come Lord Jesus
( Rev 22:20).  Most of what has been said up to this point has been encouraging, particularly for Christians, but their is a sober side, too. We as Christians acknowledge this truth every time we recite the Apostle Creed.  We say Jesus will come again from Heaven " to judge the living
 and the dead." The Victorian Poet Robert Browning wrote, "God's is in his Heaven; all's right with the world." The Apostle Paul told the Athenians that God had fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness, by a man he has appointed, (Acts 17: 31). Jesus concluded: "WATCH " therefore, for you know not the day, or hour. (Mt. 25:13). Wisdom is knowing Jesus Christ and him crucified." ( 1 Cor. 2:2). Amen!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Acts 26:18. "To open their eyes."

 This verse is the grandest condensation of propaganda of a disciple of Jesus Christ in the whole of the New Testament.
 The first sovereign work of grace is summed up in the words, " that they receive remission of sins." When a man fails in personal Christian experience, it is nearly always because he has never received anything. The only sign that a man is saved is that he has received something from Jesus Christ. Our part as workers for God is to open men's eyes that they may turn themselves from darkness to light; but that is not salvation, that is conversion-the effort of a roused human being. I do not think it is sweeping to say that the majority of nominal Christians are of this order; their eyes are opened, but they have received nothing. Conversion is not regeneration. This is one of the neglected factors in our preaching today. When a man is born again, he knows that it is born again he has received something as a gift from Almighty God and not because of his own decision. People register their vows,sign their pledges, and determine to go through, but none of this is salvation. Salvation means we are brought to the place where we are able to receive something from God. on the authority of Jesus Christ. "remission of sins."
  Then  there follows the second mighty work of grace-  "and inheritance among them which are sanctified." In sanctification the regenerated soul deliberately gives up his right to himself to Jesus Christ, and identifies himself entirely with God's interest in other men.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Ten Lepers Luke 17:11-19.

 Text V.11. And it came to pass, as Jesus went to Jerusalem, that He passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. and as he entered a certain village, there met him ten men, that were lepers, which stood back from Jesus. They lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. Observing the strict rule concerning infection, they did not come all the way to Christ, but stood at some distance,  near enough, however, that hoarse voice might be heard. And they called in unison, to increase the carrying power of their prayer: "Jesus Lord, have mercy on us! That was a prayer of faith. Go show yourself to the priests. and it came to  pass, as they went, they were cleansed. Jesus did not travel by the shortest route to Jerusalem. They knew Jesus through the medium of the wonderful stories that had been told about him. The message of Christ had worked faith in their hearts. Their plea for mercy was a expression of this faith. Jesus knows about frustration. He knows about broken families. He knows about friends who die. He also knows the power of death, stalking through our world and destroying all that's good. He saw it and lived it. So that by His death, he might destroy the destroyer.  But Jesus accomplished this in his own strange and wonderful way.  With him it was always first ending up  last, and the least ending up the greatest. He fought the biggest battle, not with overwhelming force or some raw display of power, but by giving himself up, by surrendering himself to death. the body and blood of Christ made us clean. Life is born from His death. We have found that the Holy waters have healed us. And we have never said thanked him. We have died with Christ and will be raised with him.
 We may be quite good at praying to God for things we need. Not  at  thanking God for the blessings He provides in our life that we didn't pray for.To often we are like those nine lepers in our gospel text, who, though healed, continue along their journey, neglectful of giving thanks. How can we hear the same message and discipline, like the Samaritan leper, always giving thanks for our healer? Each time we receive the body and blood of our Savior in worship, it is a true heavenly gift.
 A thanksgiving- of what our lord has given us now and what He holds for us in the future. For each time we come to the table of hospitality to feast on the bread and wine-(Body and blood) the true presence of Christ. Filling us with good things: the forgiveness of sins and life eternal.
 You cannot understand the Christian story, the story all Jesus followers have staked their lives and their eternal souls on, unless you begin to see the truth of Jesus by reading about His birth, death, resurrection,  and the final three years of his life, which you find in your Bible. (How can you love  someone you know nothing about)?
 Ten lepers were healed, only one, seeing the Lord fell down at His feet while his mouth poured forth words of thankfulness. He put his companions to shame, for he was a Samaritan, a member of the race which was despised by the Jews and Galileans. This incident made a deep impression upon Jesus, over the ingratitude of the former lepers. Were their not found such  as would turn back, to give glory to God. In the end the only question that matters,  is the life we spent and is shown before Jesus.
 Our life is brief. It is appointed unto men once, and then we die, and after that Judgment! Remember Our life is like a cash register in that every thought, deed, like every sale is registered and recorded in the "Book of life." Which is opened by Jesus in our day of judgment.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Bible!

This is a peculiar book. Words crafted in another language. things done in a different era.  Events recorded in a far off land. Counsel offered to a foreign people. It's a wonder anyone reads it. It's to old. Some of the writings date back five- thousand years.  Its to bizarre. The book speaks of incredible floods, fires, earthquakes, and people with super- natural abilities.  It's to radical. The Bible calls for undying devotion to a carpenter who called himself God's Son. Logic says this book should not have survive. The Bible has been burned, banned and ridiculed. Scholars have mocked it as foolish. Kings have branded it as illegal. A thousand times over a grave has been dug. but somehow the Bible never stays in the grave. It has been the best selling book  in the world for years. There is no way on earth to explain it. The Bible's durability is not found on earth; it is found in heaven. People who have tested its claims, and found it to be; The Bible is  God's voice and God's book. When you read it, think of two questions. What is the purpose of the Bible?
                    From childhood you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise. for salvation. through faith which is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 3:15).
The purpose of the Bible is salvation? The Bible have lasted so long, it dares to tackle the toughest questions, like where do I go after I die? Is their a God? What to do  do with my fears? The Bible is like a treasure map, leading us to,eternal life. before reading the Bible pray. The Father will send his helper in Jesus name. He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. People try to ignore it. They Jump to the New Testament, better known as the Gospels. 
   It doesn't pertain to us, you say. It's to old. I'll share a little story that may change your mind from Max Lucado.  there you are, a teenager at your Grandparents house. You don't really want to be there, but its one of  those family things and so your there. You sit politely and act like your listening as your folks and grandparents talk. Then you grandmother says something that catches your attention. She refers to your great-grand father. and the trip he made to America. from the "Old country." 'What you ask?"
 Grandma smiles, knowing at some point we all wonder about our origin, And here you are wondering about yours. She unravels a tale about your family escaping persecution and settling in eastern Virginia. Next she invites you into her room, Where she opens a large chest that has sat at the foot of her bed for as long as you can remember. A rush of cedar, and mothballs fill the room. " Thought you might like to see this," she explains. handing you a black an white photo in a large walnut frame.. " Its your great-grandpa. The only thing stiffer than his collar is his expression. "Here is his father," she hands you another photo, one of a  cowboy wearing a  wide brim hat and riding a horse  Piece by piece, the chest tell the family tales. Soon you find yourself lost in a floor covered with old wedding gowns, photo albums, diplomas, and bronze baby shoes. And before you leave, you find yourself the owner of something precious- a heritage. An ancestry. A beginning. An origin. You know that you are part of a family tree.  You aren't an isolated pond, but rather a part of a river winding through a great canyon.
 You leave a richer person knowing where you came from. Says much about where you are going.
 Perhaps that's why the first book of the Bible is a book of beginnings. God wants us to know from where we came. Learning that will teach us much about the place we are going.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Finding Life by Losing it. Marks Gospel.

As deep an insight into the meaning of life as has ever been spoken was given by Christ on the way to the Cross. Around the destiny of  His own life He wrapped a teaching for every life. Concerning his own suffering death, the message reads: Take the love Jesus brought. Concerning the believers life.
 He began to teach them. Mark's gospel reads:  it would be the hardest lesson they ever had to learn.
 After almost three years with him, the disciples, were put to their most difficult test.  Could they discern the meaning of the Cross?  What Jesus was going to say would stagger them. It would absolutely be mind boggling. Therefore, well ahead of time, love was preparing the beloved.
 Jesus was always preparing His disciples for the next step. He only began to teach them here about the cross. The teaching would never end. The Holy Spirit would continue it long after Jesus, departure from earth. "He began to teach them that the "Son of man must suffer may things." That the divine one could succumb to suffering was foreign to the thought of the day. They couldn't handle the notion that He would become a victim. Persecution and excruciating pain. The disciples were speechless.
 They just couldn't handle such a problem. Through the suffering death of the Messiah, God would work out the worlds reconciliation with the Father. On the way to Jerusalem, however, they were utterly baffled. Jesus went on to share with his disciples, that "the Son of man... must be rejected by the elders, and the chief priests and the scribes." The drama of Mark's Gospel peaks in Caesarea Philippi. It's a religious mecca. Every major religion can be found here. Temples dot the landscape.
 Priests roam the streets. Jesus and His followers are here, Why? was Jesus there? If Jesus had preached a sermon, its not recorded. If Jesus performed a miracle, we don't know it. As far as we know, all He did was ask two questions. The first, "Who do people say that I am?" The disciples are quick to answer, after they overheard the conversation. " Some say you are John the Baptist..Others say Elijah, and others say you are one of the prophets. Good answers. True answers. But wrong answers. Jesus then turns and asks the disciples and us,who do you say that I am?  He doesn't ask, " what do you think about what I have done?" Now! Who do you say that I am?" through the suffering death of the Messiah, God would work out the world's reconciliation with the Father. On their way to Jerusalem, however they are still baffled.
 Jesus went on to share with his disciples that" the Son of man rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes." This two staggered their minds. Why go to Jerusalem if this was waiting for him? Head back to Galilee while their was time. Of all people the religious leaders should have accepted God's Messiah.  This  rejection was to cut Jesus deeper than all  than the whips. All this talk between Jesus and his disciples about the trial, suffering terrible things and being rejected by his own, with Jesus ending up on the cross. Peter reacted to Jesus stabbing prediction, taking him by the arm and begging to rebuke him., you shouldn't say such things, he  protested. While Jesus was trying to draw his disciples into a partnership in his sorrow. Peter rejected the whole concept  out of hand.  Peter completely missed the point after being in the inner circle. Probably all the rest  thought like Peter but didn't say it. Jesus shot back a stunning reply. first he looked into the disciples thoughts, found them confused and disbelieving, and then He ordered, " Get behind me Satan!" For you are not of the side of God. but of men. strictly speaking Satan not Peter, was addressed.  Peter allowed himself to be a Mouth piece for Satan in what He said.  One translation renders Jesus words to Peter, you are not looking from God's point of view, but from man's. we humans do this with our life. We face our problems, meet our crisis, confront our opportunities from a human point of view. It can save so much heartache  to reflect first for a while on how God looks at the situation and what he can do with it. Jesus did not humiliate Peter in what he said. He was stern toward Satan, but loving towards
Peter. For the disciple sake, the temptations had to be rejected. Jesus words to the multitude and his disciples were these word's: " If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me." NO EXCEPTIONS!" LET HIM DENY HIMSELF! Take the love He brought and share it.