Thursday, December 1, 2016

Deeper in the Garden. Mat..26:39

We are in the upper room at Jerusalem. it is the hour of midnight. the Master stands surrounded by the eleven  apostles. Jesus had just spoken His final words of comfort.- let not your heart be troubled.... "Peace I leave with you.... In the world you may have tribulation: but be of good cheer; "I  have overcome the world." As His words end, the Upper room grows very still, ominously and oppressively quiet.
 The foreboding of tragedy like a cloud, swallows up the apostles,changing the moment to intensely black.. " He advanced a little and fell prostrate in prayer. " Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me by. Still, let be as you would have it, not as I." ( Matt. 26:39).
 The Master rises, bravely sings a Hymn, and moves toward the door. He flings it open, steps out on the upper landing, and then pauses before he descends the outside stairway.  When He returned to his disciples, He found them asleep. he said to Peter, So you could not stay awake with me even an hour. Be on guard, and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing but your nature is weak. Withdrawing a second time, He began to pray : " My Father, if this cannot pass me by without my drinking it, your will be done!" Once more, on his return, he found them asleep; they could not keep their eyes open. He left them again, withdrew somewhat, and He began to pray a third  time, saying the same words as before. Finally He returned to the disciples and said to them: " Sleep on now. Enjoy your rest!  The last feet that have walked out this door and gone down these stairs have  been those of Judas. "The hour of the Son of Man," is to be handed over to the power of evil men. Later Jesus says: "Get up!" Let us be on our way.! See my betrayer is here." When they left it was dark, but  as Jesus emerges, the soft light of the full moon falls about him. A moment He stands in its glow, and then turns and leads the apostles down the stairway.  They turn the corner and plunge into the narrow, twisting streets which is Jerusalem. The walls close in on either  sides . They went with Jesus to a place called Gethsemani  Mt. (26:36). Jesus called to his side under the olive trees the same men who had been present at the radiant hour of His transfiguration (Mat. 17:1-9). Now He wanted them close to him, during this tragic hour when His passion was to begin. However, Peter, James, and John, (26:37). abandoned  Him to His agony until the crowd seeking him arrived.  The Gospel tells us those very old olive trees in the "Garden of Gethsemani," are certainly less than 2,000 years old, but were already considered ancient in the fifteenth century, according to historical  chronicles. These in the garden must be those that witnessed Jesus agony.  They approach the gate in the wall. Here Jesus leaves eight of His companions as a guard of honor. He does not want His privacy to be prematurely disturbed, He wants  time for prayer; for this is the last moment He will be alone on  earth with his apostles, in which to brace His body and nerve, and His spirit from the ordeal that lies before Him.  Taking with Him, Peter, James and John, He passes into the recesses of the Garden, where the trees are closer, where their shelter promises a sanctuary of solitude and prayer. This is the place of the ultimate struggle of His  soul. He longs for the depth of the companionship of these three who are nearest to His heart. "My soul is exceedingly, sorrowful, even unto death."  He cries: 'tarry Here, and watch with me." He goes a little deeper into the Garden, becoming a figure who is lost in the dark night, then He falls on His knees, and then prostrate  on the ground.  "THIS ADVENT,"
 Let us set Jesus before our eyes. Let us in quiet meditation see him, hear him as He knelt in His soul- revealing prayer in this "Garden of love.Let us love him and adore Him in our "heart of hearts".
 Let us realize that this 'garden" is not only in far-off Palestine centuries ago. Christ is alive!  The "Garden" of our prayer, is anywhere we can enter spiritually, into His very Presence of the living Christ: " He will be kneeling by our side as we pray, and praying with us.

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