Saturday, February 4, 2017

Jeremiah 31:31-34

 The Lord says; the days are surely coming, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant that I made with their ancestors, when I took them by the hand out of Egypt- a covenant they broke, that was to be inscribed in the hearts of the people. We as Christians try to put different hats on God,to satisfy our earthly needs, just as the Israelites tried to do with God after the covenant was made, that said I will put my law within them and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God and they will be my people. Today a
  women goes into a store to buy a hat. The assistant suggests, first this one, then that one, and then another one- until finally she produces one she insists, " suits madam perfectly." The assistant is suggesting that the hat expresses her clients personality. Human beings put a variety of " personality hats on God's head. 1.) Some put an academic hat on him. After all He knows everything;
 " As He asked Peter the third time," Simon do you love me?" And Peter said to him: " Lord, you know everything; You know that I love you." Jesus said:" feed my sheep."
  2). Some put a policeman's hat on him. they think of him as one who constantly spies on them from the heights of heaven to catch them when they do wrong. In Psalm 139 David speaks to God: " O Lord, you have searched me and known me. you know when I sit down and when I rise up; You discern my thoughts from far away.
 3.) There are those who put a chef's hat on God, They believe he exist merely to provide them with am ample supply of food and drink. In Psalm 145; 15-16 David tells us, "The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand satisfying the desire of every living thing
 4.) Others think of God as a kind of heavenly Father or Santa Claus, whose job it is to supply them with all kinds of pleasant things to own and enjoy. Some get a little peeved with him when they have to go short of something, for God tells us:" We are not to worry, saying: "What shall we eat?" or "What shall drink?" or "What will we wear?"
 5.) Many look on a Magicians hat as a "must" for the divine wardrobe, for they think of God as the great miracle worker.
 6.) Many believe a "Crown" is an appropriate hat for God. The Bible often uses words like " King" and "Kingdom" when referring  to him.
7.)  Because many uninformed people view the Christian faith and life merely as a matter of "Do" and Don't." They think of a Puritan's hat as suitable garb for God. A man ran up to Jesus and asked;  " Good teacher, What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Why do you call me good?? No one is Good? but God alone.
8.) Some think of God only when sick. Remarkably, many people are quick to ask, " What have I done to deserve this?" But slow to ask this same question, when they are well.
 There is an element of truth in the messages of all these hats. Each reflects something of what the 'Bible" has to say about God and His attributes . It is essential, however, to keep in mind that God's all- embracing quality is love. This binds all  of His other qualities together as a cord binds the stalks in a sheaf of hay.
 God is what He is- no matter what hat we put on him, or what people think of him. Our task is to come to grips with his self-description, his character and His way of doing things.
 He once did wear a hat, made of "thorns." He did not choose it for himself. Men fashioned it and placed it on him in mockery.
 Jesus of Nazareth was a real person of the flesh and blood who lived for thirty-some years in Palestine during a time that can be historically verified. As a human being He shared the same emotions, thought processes that are common to all people. Their exist actual memories of Jesus as a real person.
 Jesus was a Jew who accepted and cherished the religion of Israel, and its tradition as the will of God for him and his people. He took part in the religious life of his time, which including reading of the 'Torah", attending synagogue, making pilgrimages to the "Temple," learning from the priests and teachers of His time, and following the laws and religious customs of the Jews. After all this and we still don't understand the concept of worshiping our Lord. Yet in the year 2017, we continue to mold Jesus into our idol. What we want him to be for us. " Pick a hat." to satisfy our longing. Preachers are not to be salesmen! They have nothing to sell. They are to be bearers of  good news. " Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures. As Isaiah said, " without money and without price." If you have any hats that you apply to Jesus. Throw them away and enjoy!  

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